• Arrive a 15 mins before your scheduled flight time, which will give you sufficient time to fill out the necessary paperwork, make any payments, and watch others training.
    • Meet your instructors on the site. Click here for locations for information and maps.
    • Meet your friends, if you are a group of one (we always train two people together to allow one person to take their first flight, while the other person watches, then you’ll switch, which allows you time to rest between flights and gives you a chance to watch and learn from the other person’s flying)  Spectators are welcome at no charge.
    • Take your first flight.  The instructor will control the power, and talk to you the whole way thru.  This makes it easier to focus on learning the steering – once you are comfortable with the steering and stability control (usually 5 minutes), the instructor will advance the training to include waving to a camera and some height moves.
    • Take a break or watch your training partner’s first flight (watching another pilot really helps people learn, since you can see what other first-timers are doing right and wrong, which will help on your second flight)
    • If your on the Extended packages, you will then take your second flight (this is when things really get fun, the controls start to “click” and you can focus on going higher, doing advanced maneuvers and feeling the “Jetpack Flight Experience”)
    • Head back to the land base.  You can also bring your own GoPro if you like, we have lots of mounts.
    • Head home with memories to last a lifetime.